Engineering at Illinois is one of the top engineering programs in the world. The best students and educators come to Illinois from around the globe to connect with top faculty, a diverse student body, and successful alumni—people who are collaborative, innovative, and driven toward excellence. These are the people changing the world.
9,145 Undergraduates
- 32+ average ACT score
- 2+ job offers per student, on average
- $69,475 average starting salary for full-time employment, approximately 9% above national average
- >50% perform research
- Top 5 among engineering students most prepared for the workforce, according to a Wall Street Journal survey of employers
9145 名在读本科生
- 学生ACT平均成绩32分以上
- 每个毕业生平均拥有两个以上的工作机会
- 毕业生全职工作的平均起薪为69,475美元,比全国平均水平高出约9%
- 50%以上本科学生参与科学研究活动
- 根据华尔街日报对雇主的调查,UIUC工学院毕业生最受欢迎程度排名全美前5
3,422 Graduate Students
- 2,000+ current research projects taking place with faculty
- 与教授合作的在研项目超过2000个
430 Faculty in 12 Departments
- $239 million in 2017 research expenditures
- The most-cited engineering faculty in the world, according to Thomson Reuters.
- Home to 30+ startup companies
- Leading innovative educational programs like iFoundry, IEFX, the Strategic Instructional Initiatives Program (SIIP), the Emergent Behaviors of Integrated Cellular Systems (EBICS)and the Midwest Cancer Nanotechnology Training Center (M-CNTC) training programs, Illinois Cyber Security Scholars Program (ICSSP), and an NSF WIDER grant
- 2017年研究经费高达2.39亿美元
- 全球工学院中总被引用次数最高(由Thomson Reuters发布)
- 孵化出30多家创业公司
- 牵头多个创新型教育项目,包括iFoundry、IEFX、SIIP、EBICS、美国中西部肿瘤纳米学培训中心培训项目、伊利诺伊州网络安全学者计划和一项NSF WIDER基金
80,000+ Alumni
- Founders of YouTube, Yelp, Bloom Energy, Flex-n-Gate, Grainger Industrial Supply, Tesla Motors, and PayPal
- Six astronauts
- The CEO of BP
- The owner of the Jacksonville Jaguars
- 多个知名公司的创始人,包括YouTube,Yelp,Bloom Energy,Flex-n-Gate,Grainger Industrial Supply,Tesla Motors,PayPal等
- 6名宇航员
- BP公司首席执行官
- 职业美式橄榄球球队杰克逊维尔美洲虎队所有者
- Aerospace Engineering
- Agricultural & Biological Engineering
- Bioengineering
- Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
- Civil & Environmental Engineering
- Computer Science
- Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Industrial & Enterprise Systems Engineering
- Materials Science & Engineering
- Mechanical Science & Engineering
- Nuclear, Plasma & Radiological Engineering
- Physics