UIUC Delegation Visits CRRC (August 8-11, 2018)

UIUC代表访问CRRC (2018年8月8日至11日)

On August 8-11, 2018, a UIUC delegation of five engineering faculty members represented UIUC’s Chinese-American Railway Transportation Joint Research Center (CART-JRC) to visit the CRRC Institute in Beijing and one of its main manufacture plants in Tangshan, China. This visit is the first of its kind in CRRC Institute’s history, and it effectively facilitated communications between UIUC faculty and CRRC engineers.

2018年8月8日至11日,五名UIUC工学院的教授代表中美轨道交通研究中心(以下简称研究中心)访问了位于北京的中车研究院和位于唐山的主要制造工厂之一。 这是中车研究院历史上第一次举办此种类型的访问,它有效地促进了UIUC教授与中车工程师之间的交流。

The visit started with a workshop at the CRRC Institute in Beijing on August 8, with about 40 participants from 14 CRRC branch companies and manufacturing plants all across China. Vice President Bangcheng Sun of the CRRC Institute gave an opening remark to welcome the delegation and participants. Then, Profs. Imad Al-Qadi (CEE), Jianjun Cheng (MatSE), Yanfeng Ouyang (CEE), Chengxiang Zhai (CS) and Yuanhui Zhang (ABE) presented related research topics including smart/sustainable transportation infrastructures, advanced self-healing materials, rolling stocks service infrastructure planning, big data and artificial intelligence, and 3-D air flow measurement and aerodynamic cleaning.

8月8日,UIUC代表首先参加了在北京中车研究院举办的研讨会。来自全国各地的14家中车分公司和制造工厂的约40名员工参加了此次研讨会。 中车研究院副院长孙帮成先生致开幕词。Imad Al-Qadi教授(土木与环境工程系),程建军教授(材料科学与工程系),欧阳彦峰教授(土木与环境工程系),翟成祥教授(计算机科学系)和张源辉教授(农业与生物工程系)分别介绍了相关的研究课题,包括智能/可持续交通基础设施,先进的自愈材料,机车车辆服务基础设施规划,大数据和人工智能,以及三维空气流量测量和空气动力学清洁。

Profs. Al-Qadi, Cheng, Ouyang, Zhai and Zhang gave talks at the CRRC workshop. V.P. Sun of CRRC Institute gave the opening remark.(Imad Al-Qadi教授,程建军教授,欧阳彦峰教授,翟成祥教授和张源辉教授在研讨会上作报告。中车研究院副院长孙帮成先生致开幕词。)

In the afternoon breakout sessions, Profs. Al-Qadi, Cheng and Zhang joined a panel led by Mr. Minggao Li (CRRC Institute) on “Green and sustainable development of rail transportation”, while Profs. Ouyang and Zhai participated in the other panel led by Mr. Tianfu Liu (CRRC Institute) on “Intelligent rail transportation in the era of big data”.


On August 9-10, accompanied by Ms. Jin Cao and Dr. Xiaohui Zhang from the CRRC Institute, the UIUC delegation visited the manufacturing plant at CRRC Tangshan Co., Ltd. “Built in 1881, CRRC Tangshan Co., Ltd. is the first Chinese railway equipment manufacturing company. It produced the first Chinese locomotive “Rocket of China”, the first Chinese passenger train “Palace Car”, the first Chinese freight wagon, the first Chinese double-deck diesel multiple unit, the first 70% low-floor light rail train, and the first EMS middle-low speed maglev train.” Today, CRRC Tangshan Co., Ltd. is one of the two major CRRC manufacturers of high-speed railcars and urban subway cars. Vice chief engineer Gang Ren of the CRRC Tangshan Co., Ltd. showed the delegation around the manufacturing and testing facilities of high-speed rail cars.

8月9日至10日,在曹金女士和章潇慧博士(中车研究院)的陪同下,UIUC代表参观了中车唐山机车车辆有限公司(以下简称中车唐山公司)的制造工厂。 “中车唐山公司始建于1881年,是中国第一家轨道装备制造企业。它曾制造出中国第一台机车——‘中国火箭’号,中国第一辆客车——‘銮舆龙车’,研制了中国第一辆货车、创新开发出中国第一列双层内燃动车组、第一列70%低地板轻轨车、第一辆常导中低速磁悬浮列车。” 今天,中车唐山公司是中车两大高速铁路车辆和城市地铁车辆制造商之一。中车唐山公司的副总工程师任刚向UIUC代表介绍了高速铁路车辆的制造车间和检测设施。

Profs. Zhang, Cheng, Zhai and Ouyang visited CRRC Tangshan Co., Ltd. The railcar model in the top photo replicates the first Chinese passenger train “Palace Car” for the Chinese Royal Family in the 1880s. (张源辉教授、程建军教授、翟成祥教授和欧阳彦峰教授访问中车唐山公司。首张照片中的客车模型复制了19世纪80年代为中国皇室打造的第一辆中国客运列车——“銮舆龙车” )

During the visit, the delegation members gave a series of lightening talks on UIUC, the CART-JRC, and various research ideas to the engineers from the Tangshan Co., Ltd. The vice-chief engineer of Tangshan, Mr. Chao An, also gave a review of their plant and their research needs.


 Workshop at the CRRC Tangshan Co., Ltd.(中车唐山公司举办的研讨会)

On August 11, the UIUC delegation returned to the CRRC Institute and had further discussion with CRRC experts on research themes and action plans for CART-JRC in the coming years, covering both “excellence in current products and practice” and “strategic growth in new business.” Ideas on specific research projects were also discussed.


Both the CRRC participants and the UIUC delegation members found this visit to be very informative and helpful in terms bridging the gap between research capabilities at UIUC and needs of CRRC. It was agreed that similar visits would be planned regularly in future years.
